Open Days at CDTA The CDTA organized from April 4th to April 5th, 2016, within it, Open Days on Applied Research under the theme “Applied Research Days”. This event, designed for economic operators, university community as well as for teachers and students, and the general public was by the quality of its participants, an opportunity for rapprochement and exchange between the Algerian actors of R & D and innovation. In order to promote exchange and rapprochement with the Algerian industry and popularize the activity within the CDTA, this event aimed to present the Center’s expertise through technological products resulting from applied research. The program of the days took place in two days as follows: 1st day – Monday 04 April 2016 – Speech by the Secretary General of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research – Presentation of CDTA R & D activities by Dr. Yassine DJERIDANE Director of CDTA. – Signature of a partnership agreement “CDTA & ANVREDET” on the creation of an “Incubator” at CDTA Director of CDTA & Director of ANVREDET. Visit of Stands “Exhibition of Technological Products” – Guided tour of the Technological Center of Microelectronics – Guided tour of the prototyping center – Plenary Conference 01: “Knowledge and Know-How” Pr. Abdelhafid AOURAG Director of DG-RSDT. – Plenary Lecture 02: “Technology Transfer, Incubation and Business Creation Ms. Djamila HALICHE Director of ANVREDET. – Plenary Lecture 03: Facilitation of Technological Ecosystems – Case of Micro-Nano electronics in Algeria Dr. Samir TAGZOUT (CDTA) – Plenary Lecture 04: “Free Software Opportunity to catch up on technology – Case Cloud Technologies” Dr. Amine BOUABDALLAH Project Manager CLOUD (CDTA). – Visit of Stands “Exhibition of technological products”. 2nd day – Tuesday 05th of April 2016 – Plenary Lecture 05: What will change for the Industry-University rapprochement with the advent of the New Orientation Law on Scientific Research and Technological Development Dr. Mohamed KHODJA Director of Research / SONATRACH- Central Research and Development Department. – Plenary conference 06: “Investment incentive scheme” by Mrs. Safia OUIRET: Director of studies at the National Agency for Investment Development (ANDI). – Plenary session 07: “CDTA technology in the socio-economic world: SATICOM from the subsidiary to the Joint Venture Dr. Noureddine OUADAH Deputy Director of CDTA – Closing of the event by a conference debate animate Mr. Noureddine OUADAH : Deputy Director of CDTA. Participation in figures: The event recorded a total of 174 from different sectors, including the military and national security sector, between officers and heads of structures and schools of the sector, public administration institutions were represented by the presence of General Managers, Secretaries General etc. … The higher education and scientific research sector also took place at this meeting via the directors of research centers, managers and laboratories, teachers and researchers who expressed a desire for scientific collaboration. The students came from different universities and schools (USTHB, University of: Blida, Tizi Ouzou, Boumerdes, Constantine and Polytechnic ……). The industry was not lacking during these two days, companies were present through the visit of their managers and executives who expressed a willingness to partner in R & D, they also expressed the need for the rapprochement between the research centers , institutions and the industrial sector.