Telecom Division (DT)

Division presentation 

Since its foundation in 2014 as one of the CDTA divisions, Telecom Division (DT) has developed a respectable reputation for conducting research and development (R&D) activities in the fields of Radio frequencies and antennas applications, Wireless communications and networks and protocols, Advanced information systems and computer vision,  Multimedia security, biometrics and forensics, and cloud computing applications (CCA). Additionally, DT objectives relating to each R&D area are: (i) scientific positioning towards the national context, (ii) scientific positioning with respect to the international context, (iii) identification of research avenues, (iv) choice and potential orientations based on new lines of research, and (v) develop well expertise in the related DT fields.


  • To develop   new approaches in wireless intelligent access and mobility management for advanced telecommunication systems.
  • To develop innovative approaches for biometric recognition and multimedia security.
  • To develop new approaches for the implementation of open information systems, through the exploitation of web technology standards and its new extensions;
  • To develop new approaches for the design and implementation of different RF devices targeting various applications;
  • To establish a structure of excellence in research, development and delivery, in the areas of antennas and propagation, wireless sensors, embedded communication systems, cloud infrastructures and multimedia acquisition systems ;
  • To develop E-health applications and their decision support systems.
  • Ensuring   high level training courses in the domains of expertise and the supervision of: final year projects and doctoral theses.


  • To establish an active and functional research plan with the different DT research teams.
  • To establish active and functional research linkages with other divisions and their research groups.
  • To maximize research output via publications, products and patents.
  • To actively seek and maintain a smart research partnership with national/international universities research groups.
  • To provide opportunities for DT research to undergo further training for career advancement.
  • To develop key resources and infrastructure for research, services and training.


The Telecom division comprises four research teams as follows:

Division Director

Dr.  AOUACHE Mustapha

DT Diagram