AQUA-ROB pour les milieux aquatiques.

Premiers essais d’AquaRob destinés à l’auscultation des barrages d’eau pour lutter contre leur envasement, développé sur demande de l’ANBT.




Dr Kahina Amara, maître de recherche au Centre Algérien de Développement des Technologies, était l’invitée de Médiatics – Alger Chaine 3.




1-لقاء لمدير المركز  الدكتور محمد طرايش مع القناة الجزائرية  الثالثة




إبتكارات البحث العلمي تلبية لحاجيات السوق والأولوية الصناعية شروق نيوز13/03/2024














« ENTV » 6th edition of the IEEE Conference on Advanced Networks and Systems ICNAS 2023





APS 2023 مركز تنمية التكنولوجيات المتطورة قطب في البحث لأزيد من 40 مجالا تكنولوجيا




An intervention talk was done by Mr. Traiche Mohamed, Director of the Center for Development of Advanced Technologies on the Algerian channel of information A3 in the program named “This Morning  هذا الصباح” of January 31st ,2023, on the occasion of signing the agreement of cooperation and partnership between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific.



Couverture de Canal Algérie de quelques activités du Centre.

Ce Mercredi 02 Février 2022, Canal Algérie a visité le CDTA et couvert quelques activités de recherche développement à applications dans le secteur de la Santé et des ressources en Eau, ainsi que des technologies susceptibles d’être utilisées dans la lutte contre la contrefaçon touchant aux pièces de rechange dans le secteur de la mécanique.


The ENTV channel came to the CDTA on Tuesday 05.10.21 to make a video montage relating to the creation of the two Artificial Intelligence (IA) and Mathematics schools with the DIIM research team, for Design and Implementation of Intelligent Machines, headed by by Professor

D. BOUCHAFFRA who was invited to talk about Al on Friday 08.10.21 in their studio, mentioning some applications



« Canal Algérie » report  of 23/01/2021  about the CDTA: Robotics research and innovations, the way of progress.


Video conference of June 18th 2020 animated by Dr.ElHachemi AMARA entitled: “ Odyssey of Light since the siege of Syracuse to the laser applications”.



Kawalis TV on 01 May 2020 :

Invention of a Sterilizing Glove at URNN

A sterilizing glove has just been invented at URNN, attached to the CDTA, located at the University of Setif 1.

APS on 27 April 2020

The products of CDTA within the frame of fighting CORONA-VIRUS


“ Initiative for the manufacture of protective masks for medical staff ”


ENTV on April 06, 2020

Together to fight the Corona pandemic

 Visit  to CDTA of Mr the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, accompanied by Mr the Minister of Industry and Mines.


ECHOUROUK NEWS  April 02, 2020

Contribution  of  CDTA to the development of  an artificial respiration device by the private company GATECH.


CHOUROUK NEWS Channel on March 28, 2020 under the title “What role for scientific research against Corona virus in Algeria ?”



November 05, 2019 ENTV of 20H00 deals with the framework agreement between CDTA and INRF project “LIDAR mobile fight against forest fires”.


ENTV at 8:00 pm summarizes the visit of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to CDTA on Monday, September 30, 2019.



NUMIDIA News Briefing on the visit of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research to CDTA on Monday 30 September 2019.




Interview of Pr.Djamel BOUCHAFFRA on July 3, 2019 at Canal Algerie channel “BONJOUR D’ALGERIE” on the participation of CDTA at the Algerian Student Fair




CANAL ALGERIE – April 13th, 2015: concerns the signing of a shareholding agreement of the SATICOM-SPA subsidiary between CDTA (MESRS) and Algérie Télécom (MPTIC).

