In its second stage, on December 10th 2024, the University of Constantine 1 hosted the awareness campaign on the dangers of carbon monoxide, under the aegis of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research MESRS and under the direction of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development DGRSDT.
The day began with the speech of the Rector of the University of Constantine 1 and Professor BOURAS Ahmed , followed by three presentations led by Mr. CHEBIRA Fateh of the civil protection of Constantine, then Dr. BAKHA Yamna of the CDTA and finally, Mr. HARTANI Abdellatif of the LNE.
The day continued with presentations of stands at the level of the University hall where demonstrations and explanations were given to the students and teachers present there.
Many thanks to the Rector of the University of Constantine 1 for his welcome, hospitality and commitment in this campaign and to all his staff.