November 21, 2023 Widad BOULARESS Uncategorized


New patent for  CDTA registered at INAPI


The Center Direction extends its warmest congratulations to the researchers whose invention patent has been accepted by INAPI (Algerian National Institute of Industrial Property), these are:

Bakha, Yamna-Merah, Sidi Mohammed-Khales, Hammouche

The title of the patent:

“Micro-fabrication process for a single-sided micro gas sensor”

En cette occasion, le Directeur du Centre tient à rendre un hommage particulier à toute personne pour sa contribution, chacun à sa manière, à placer le Centre sur les voies de la consécration et de la réussite à travers l’abnégation dans le travail.

On this occasion, the Director of the Center would like to pay a special tribute to everyone for their contribution, each in their own way, to place the Center on the path to consecration and success through self-sacrifice in work.


Good luck to everyone.