The Laser Material Processing Team The Laser Material Processing team was created in 2001, its mission is to develop cutting-edge research on the use of lasers in manufacturing and machining processes at the micro and macroscopic scales. This research involves theoretical and experimental approaches, which implement numerical modeling and laser systems of high and medium power in continuous and quasi-continuous modes, as well as lasers generating considerable intensities in ultra-short mode. Applications addressed by the LMP team concern cutting, welding, cladding, which involve powers greater than 1 kW and other surface treatments such as hardening, marking, forming, etc. Recently introduced laser additive manufacturing is the team’s main focus for the next three years. In the field of the use of ultra-short lasers, the targeted applications concern the domain of energy, plasmonics, where femtosecond lasers are used for the structuring of materials and the medical. The objectives of the team are : End up almost complete studies of the processes mentioned above by introducing the parameters related to the material (thermo and electrophysical parameters, material composition, …), those related to the laser beam (spot diameter, polarization, wavelength, effect of defocusing, etc.), and under experimental conditions (ambient air, shielding gas, reactive gas, turbulence, shocks, etc.). To propose modeling validated experimentally with the present equipments (laser for marking), and with the acquisition of the envisaged equipments (high power laser and accessories), or through the international cooperations. This makes it possible, through a scientific approach, to contribute, through technology, to the optimization of a given process, generally not yet fully controlled in the field. Valorize models established by publications, by presentations at high-level international conferences, and patent a product or process. Invest the socio-economic fields by proposing an accompaniment and optimal operating parameters for a given application, which one would find in the sector of the industry (automobile, aeronautical, space, naval), the medical, or the energy. The team is currently composed of: 01 Research Director 04 Research Master B 01 Research Associate 01 Expert Engineer (collaborator from the DPTAGP department) Expertise and Knowledge The members of the LMP team have developed expertise in the fields of laser material processing applications, including deep penetration welding, cutting, marking, cladding and forming. The LMP team uses theoretical approaches validated experimentally through collaborations with foreign laboratories (Arcueil Lasers Intenses Applications Laboratory, School of Arts and Crafts of Paris, National Laser Center of Pretoria, …), as it uses local means to perform experiments. Among the disciplines involved and themes currently developed by the team we find: Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, The Laser-Matter Interaction,- Microscopic (Ab-Initio, Molecular Dynamics) and Macroscopic (Ansys/Fluent CFD) Calculations, Numerical Modeling of Laser Processes by Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods (Use of commercial codes, open codes, source programs, development of calculation procedures, …) Additive Manufacturing by Continuous or Quasi-Continuous Lasers with High or Medium Power, Use of Ultra-Short Lasers (Femto-Second) for the Structuring of Surfaces is also addressed by the team. Team’s Chief DR.Farida BRIHMAT-HAMADI (RMB)