Laser Matter Interaction Team (LMI) Since twenty years ago, the Laser Matter Interaction (LMI) team of the Ionized Media and Laser division of CDTA has been studying laser ablation plasmas using different diagnostic methods, mainly emission spectroscopy, rapid imaging and Langmuir probes. These studies are carried out in order to understand the physico-chemical processes involved in the ablation of a massive target by a laser beam as well as the transport phenomena of species in the plasma plume and their interaction with the ambient gas and to optimize the conditions for the synthesis and analysis of the material. However, at our scale, our extensive experience in spectroscopy will allow us to a best understand the physico-chemical mechanisms governing this technique and consequently to better control it. The activity of the Laser Material Interaction (LMI) team is based on: The synthesis by laser ablation of thin layers of different materials and their functionalization. The synthesis of nanoparticles in the gas or liquid phase. The study of all fundamental aspects governing laser-matter interaction and ablation plasma dynamics and their optimization in a reaction environment. This will allow the pulsed laser deposition process to be controlled and therefore to achieve desirable performance on the properties of the deposited layers and their functionalities. The qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis of materials by the laser-induced plasma spectroscopy (LIBS) technique. Expertise : Thin films synthesizing by laser ablation technique. The physics that governs laser ablation plasmas. Characterization of thin films Mastery of LIBS technique Functionalization of layers Impact field: Microelectronics, Photovoltaics, Environment and Health. Team’s Chief Dr. ABDELLI-MESSACI Samira