Team: Binary Arithmetic for Numeric Applications (BANA)

Team leader: Dr. Oudjida Abdelkrim Kamel


Team presentation

BANA team is involved with the development of optimized IP-VLSI for numeric applications, such as signal/image processing, control systems, cryptosystems, etc.

Research themes

  • Development of new algorithms and recodings based on exact/inexact computing, dedicated to the optimization of the VLSI implementation of linear time variant/invariant systems (LTI/LTV systems).
  • Development of new algorithms based on chaotic iterations and elliptic curves for lightweight cryptography applications.


  • Computer arithmetic for VLSI applications.
  • High-speed and low-power digital design
  • IP specification, design, and verification
  • FPGA, ASIC, SoC, embedded systems.

Research projects

FNR project

Projet 1: Platform of IP-VLSI for Algerian universities

  • A. LIACHA,
  • M. BAKIRI,
  • F. LOUIZ,

Team members

Hardware/ software equipment

  • FPGA evaluation boards
  • Cadence platform
  • Logic analyzer TLA714
  • FT-G100 Microgrippers
  • PC acquisition and control system (FT-SDA01 & FT-C01) for FT-G100 Microgripper
  • Displacement laser-meter


  • ALGOS Team, INESC-ID Institute, Lisbonne, Portugal
  • DN Team, Kassel University, Allemagne
  • DISC Team, FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon, France
  • AS2M Team, FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon, France
  • PEQUAN Team, LIP6, Jussieux University, Paris, France
  • Cadence Incorporation, R&D Team in RTL synthesis, Los Angeles, USA