The main objective of the NCRM team is to develop functionalities to equip mobile robots with perception, information processing, decision-making and action capabilities that will enable them to operate without human intervention in various environments. These can range from domestic spaces (robotic wheelchair, vacuum cleaner, lawnmower, etc.) to public and workspaces (cyber-cars, surveillance robots, museum guide robots, cleaning robots, demining robots, smart car, etc.). We are then interested in the navigation and control aspects that will make these systems tend towards an autonomous and risk-free operation in imperfect environments by controlling the interaction between the robot and its environment.

The main team thematic are:

Navigation, localization, planning, human-robot interaction, perception.




FNR: NAvigation of Electric Vehicles platforms: towards Intelligent Transport (NAVETI)



Project 1: Semi-Autonomous Wheelchair (FAURSA)

Project 2: Surveillance robot in indoor environment (ROSMI)


Car-like mobile robots (Robucar, Cycab, Robucabs), robot guide B21r, robotic wheelchair.



We quote some of the most recent articles:

  1. BRAHIMI, O. AZOUAOUI et M. LOUDINI, “Intelligent mobile robot navigation using a neuro-fuzzy approach”, International Journal on Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET), in Press.
  2. Abdellah Khelloufi, Nouara Achour, Robin Passama, Andrea Cherubini, “Sensor-based Navigation of Omnidirectional Wheeled Robots Dealing with both Collisions and Occlusions” Robotica, 2019.
  3. Andrea Cherubini, Robin Passama, Benjamin Navarro, Mohamed Sorour, Abdellah Khelloufi, Osama Mazhar, Sonny Tarbouriech, Jihong Zhu, Olivier Tempier, André Crosnier, Philippe Fraisse, Sofiane Ramdani, “A collaborative robot for the factory of the future: BAZAR”,  International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, pp. 1-17, 2019.
  4. Mohamed Sorour, Andrea Cherubini, Abdellah Khelloufi, Robin Passama, Philippe Fraisse, “Complementary-route based ICR control for steerable wheeled mobile robots”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 118, pp. 131-143, 2019.
  5. REBAI, O. AZOUAOUI et Y. DJEBBARA, “traffic signs recognition with deep learning”, International Conference on Applied Smart Systems ICASS2018, 24-25 novembre 2018, université de Médéa, Algérie.
  6. Abdellah Khelloufi,Nouara Achour, Robin Passama, Andrea Cherubini, “Tentacle-based moving obstacle avoidance for omnidirectional robots with visibility constraints,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS, Vancouver, BC, Canada (2017) pp. 1331–1336. Top level
  1. S. BOURAINE, Th. FRAICHARD et O. AZOUAOUI, “ New Path Planning Approach for Mobile Robots in Dynamic Environments”, El MIR’AT sciences, ISSN 2170-1555, 2016.
  1. BRAHIMI, R. TIAR, O. AZOUAOUI, M. LAKROUF et M. LOUDINI, ” Car-Like Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown urban Areas “, ITSC 2016 “IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems “, Rio de Janero, Brézil, 02-04 Novembre 2016. top level
  1. S. BRAHIMI, R. TIAR, O. AZOUAOUI, M. LAKROUF et M. LOUDINI, “ Car-Like Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown urban Areas ”, ITSC 2016 “IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ”,  Rio de Janero, Brézil, 02-04 Novembre 2016. top level
  1. BOURAINE, Th. FRAICHARD et O. AZOUAOUI, Real-time Safe Path Planning for Robot Navigation in Unknown Dynamic Environments, CSA 2016, The second edition of the Computing Systems and Applications, EMP, Algeria, December 13-14, 2016.
  1. K. MESSAOUDENE et O. AZOUAOUI, “Personalized Dynamic Model for a Car-like Vehicle “Robucar” Used in Localization”, IEEE SMC 2015  “ IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics”, Hong-Kong, 09 au 12 Octobre 2015.
  2. R. TIAR, M. LAKROUF et O. AZOUAOUI, “Fast ICP-SLAM for a Bi-Steerable Mobile Robot in Large Environments”, ICAR2015  “International Conference on Advanced Robotics” , Istanbul, Turkey, ID N° 152. du 27-31 Juillet 2015.
  3. M.L. Tazir, O. Azouaoui, M. Hazerchi, et M. Brahimi, Mobile Robot Path Planning for Complex Dynamic Environments, ICAR2015  “International Conference on Advanced Robotics”, Istanbul, Turkey, ID N° 152. du 27-31 Juillet 2015.
  1. Durand-Petiteville, V. Cadenat and N. Ouadah. “A COMPLETE SENSOR-BASED SYSTEM TO NAVIGATE THROUGH A CLUTTERED ENVIRONMENT”, IFAC, ICINCO’15, 21-23/07/2015.
  2. Khelloufi, N. Ouadah, A.O. Djekoune, et N. Achour, “Image-based path following for nonholonomic mobile robot”, CEIT 2015, the 3rd International Conference on Control, Engineering & Information Technology, Tlemcen, Algeria, May 25-27, 2015.
  3. Brahimi, O. Azouaoui, M. Loudini, “Neuro-Fuzzy navigation for a car-like robot in unknown environment”, ICATS 2015, International Conference on Automatic control, Telecommunication and Signals, Annaba, Algeria, November 16-18, 2015.
  1. CHAYEB, N. OUADAH, Z. TOBAL, M. LAKROUF et O. AZOUAOUI, “HOG Based Multi-object Detection for Urban Navigation”, ITSC 2014  “IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems”, Qingdao, Chine, du 8 au 11 Octobre 2014. top level
  2. S. BOURAINE, Th. FRAICHARD, O. AZOUAOUI et SALHI, “Passively Safe Partial Motion Planning for Mobile Robots with Limited Field-of-Views in Unknown Dynamic Environments”, ICRA 2014 “IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation”, Hong Kong, Mai 31-Juin 6, 2014. top level
  3. K. REBAI, O. AZOUAOUI et N. ACHOUR, “HS Combined Histogram for Visual Memory Building and Scene Recognition in Outdoor Environments”, Workshop Visual Place Recognition in Changing Environments dans ICRA 2014, Hong Kong, Mai 31-Juin 6, 2014. top level
  4. K. REBAI, N. ACHOUR et O. AZOUAOUI, “Road intersection detection and classification using hierarchical SVM classifier”, Advanced Robotics, 28:14, 929-941, (2014), DOI: 10.1080/01691864.2014.902327. Rang A


Collaboration :

National collaboration : USTHB, ENST, ESI, U. BLIDA, ENP, U. Boumerdes.

International collaboration :

  • Institut PASCAL, Clérmont-Ferrand (FR).
  • The Montpellier Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics, and Microelectronics, LIRMM (FR).
  • The Laboratory GREYC, Caen (FR).


Team leader

 Dr. Bouraine Sara, Research associate A