October 11, 2020 Rachid SIKADOUR Events

Working visit to the Optics and Photonics Research Unit (UROP) in Sétif

On Tuesday October 6th 2020, the Director of the Center for Development of Advanced Technologies “CDTA” Professor Ghouti MERAD paid a working visit to the Optics and Photonics Research Unit (UROP) in Sétif where he, accompanied with Dr Tahar TOUAM, Director of the Unit, and in the presence of the UROP team leaders, installed:

• Dr Fouad Lakhdari, Director of the Photonic Devices and Technology Division, succeeding to Dr Salim BENAISSA.
• Dr Soulef BENGHORIEB, Director of the Thin Films and Photonic Materials Division, reappointed.

On the occasion, the Director of CDTA expressed his thanks and gratitude to Dr Benaissa for the efforts made during his tenure at the service of the Division and of the Unit, and congratulated the new Division Directors, who applied to contribute to the development of the Unit in scientific and technological fields. He assured them of his support and wished them success in their new missions.

The Director of UROP, in turn, testified for the efforts made by Ms. BENGHORIEB and Mr. BENAISSA and the spirit of collegiality that reigned during the exercise of their function and would like it to continue with the new Divisions Directors, and called all researchers to be at their side.

The Director of the Center then held a meeting with the officials of the UROP, in the presence of Dr Hadj Mohamed BENIA, Director of URCDO. On this occasion, he congratulated the latter on his appointment, by the General Director of Scientific Research and Technological Development, as a Project Manager of the research Center in nanoscience and nanotechnologies (CRNN) planned to be based in Sétif.

In addition, he called all researchers and officials of UROP to contribute and collaborate with him for the foundation of this Center, as soon as possible, which will be a great scientific and technological contribution for the region and for the country.

The debate, which followed this intervention, revealed the researchers’ support for this project and their commitment with the Project Manager.

At the end of his visit, the Director of the Center expressed his gratitude and thanked the heads of the units for their welcome.

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