The outbreak of the global pandemic Corona (covid-19) is affecting, among other nations, our country. This silently devastating virus has generated a certain shortage in consumer products, notably those related to protective and preventive measures. Nonetheless, the Algerian academic community and our fellow researchers, along with our brave students, in the universities of: Batna, Tizi Ouzou, Blida, Boumerdes, Algiers, Setif, Constantine, Oran, as well as the CDTA and “Pasteur” institute of Constantine, successfully manufactured paramedical products, disinfectant gels, protective masks, PCR’s, artificial respiration prototypes, and many other products. For this, I wish to reiterate my thanks and also express how much we are indebted to our academic community, and research teams who alway stood and proven their genuine and true sense of responsibility in hard times. Once again, I would like to share with them my pride, and utmost recognition for their involvement and the longstanding commitment they have demonstrated in serving our country, particularly in the current health and economic circumstances. May Allah reward them and help us all eradicate this deadly pandemic, and protect our people who, with no doubt, will emerge from this terrible ordeal. Professor Chems Eddine Chitour Minister
In this particular situation in which our nation is going through, characterized by the emergence of a common and global enemy. On behalf of the Ministry of Higher Education, and on my name, I witness my sincere and authentic tribute to our fellow compatriots in the health sector namely teachers, university hospital researchers, public and private health practitioners, who are battling on the ground, and ensuring the the necessary conditions to fight against this world scourge, and who are still risking their lives. I express my total gratitude and my unwavering support. May the Almighty Allah reward them and help us all, and strengthen our solidarity to defeat this enemy and protect our people, who always and undoubtedly emerge from this terrible ordeal Professor Chems Eddine Chitour Minister
April 4, 2020 Rachid SIKADOUR
An information and awareness day on accreditation was organized on March 11th , 2020 within the CDTA, by the Algerian accreditation organization ALGERAC, represented by its General Director, Mr Noureddine BOUDISSA and three heads of departments. After the welcoming speech and the presentation of the program of the day by the Director of CDTA Pr.Ghouti […]
March 11, 2020 Rachid SIKADOUR Events Accreditation, ALGERAC, Awareness, information
The Direction of the Centre wanted to celebrate the International Women’s Day by organizing a friendly ceremony. This day was a very good occasion to pay tribute to all the working women of the CDTA, to wish them well and thank them for their efforts and their dedication in the service of the CDTA. Some […]
March 9, 2020 Rachid SIKADOUR Events 8 MARS 2020, CDTA, Femme, travailleuses
The CDTA has participated to the “Information Fair on Technological Platforms for the support of end of study projects”, organized by the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development, on Sunday March 1st, 2020 at the University of Science and Technology “ Houari Boumediene” In order to promote the different activities through its stand, […]
The Director of the Centre, Pr. Ghouti MERAD, met the scientific managers and the heads of three-year research projects 2019-2021 of the CDTA to discuss the methods of execution, management and monitoring of these projects. The following points were discussed:
At the end of the meeting, the agreements were handed over to the Directors of the Research Divisions.
February 25, 2020 Rachid SIKADOUR Conventions 2020, agreements, contracts, project
December 19, 2019 Rachid SIKADOUR Events
A framework convention was signed between the CDTA and Abedelhamid MEHRI University, Constantine2 during the conference on innovation and entrepreneurship, organized by ANVREDET, on 01st and 02nd December 2019.
December 5, 2019 Rachid SIKADOUR Conventions ANVREDET, CDTA, convention, December 2019, entrepreneurship, Framework, signature
The CDTA took part to the preparation of the workshop project of the national strategic plan of artificial intelligence 2020-2030 through the exhibition of its research projects and its technological platforms. The objective of this workshop is based on the presentation of an inventory of scientific research in Algeria regarding AI. (Potential and scientific production, […]
December 5, 2019 Rachid SIKADOUR Events AI, inventory, project, research, Workshop
Presentation of the innovative project ” fight against forest fires’ LIDAR mobile. Scientific and Technical day on the improvement of the device for prevention and fight against forest fires. November 5, 2019. A scientific and technical day on the improvement of the system of prevention and fight against forest fires was held […]
November 6, 2019 Rachid SIKADOUR Conventions, Events CDTA, IRNF, LIDAR